John David had some free vacation time coming up, so we decided we were overdue for a trip to the mountains. We were so excited when John David's parents and Rebecca and her family were all able to take off work at the same time to join us. Jd's Ortho conference in Destin, FL finished up and we headed North.

John David and I arrived first and then his parents. We had a top secret that we were dying to tell, but Rebecca made us wait until they arrived to share the news. An hour later we finally spilled the beans that we were almost 7 weeks pregnant. (See my previous post to see how we did it!)
I got the waterpark picture off their website just so you could see how fun it is. This is only one side of the waterpark: the kiddie area.
Khloe had an absolute BLAST!

1...2...3.. GO!
The look of pure joy! :)
Later that day we headed into town but got caught in a nasty thunderstorm. We caught a trolley and stopped by Ripley's Aquarium.
Poppey (as she calls him) is kind of Khloe's favorite. :)
Becca, Daniel and Grayson
John David and I have a lot for aquariums so we try to go whenever we find a new one. We had both visited when we were younger but didn't remember a whole lot about it. While this wasn't the biggest or the best we've ever been to, it still was very well put together and super nice. I wasn't able to get very many great pictures because morning sickness hit and I spent most of my time running back and forth to the restroom :(
I happened to catch the diver feeding the fish.
Khloe was a little nervous of the shark tank that you walked through.
Sweet Gman.
Because Nana is SO cool!!!
The penguins were expecting too!!
Later in the week we went to The Dixie Stampede since I had never been. I'm extremely allergic to horses, but just couldn't pass it up since everyone else wanted to go. I took 2 (yes TWO) antihistamines before we even walked in the door.
Khloe and Grayson couldn't take their eyes off the horses and all that was going on. We were nervous how they would act, but I don't think either made a peep during the entire show :)
The show was awesome, and though I did have some sneezes it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be. We spent most of the week indoors at the cabin because of the weather and I was extremely sick half of the time but we still had a wonderful time and it was great to be with our family for a few days and enjoy each other's company.
Before leaving the city, we stopped by Walmart and Jd bought me a trashcan for the trip (for the sickness), because both our babies need their own can. I plan to monogram both and keep forever. Every time they give me problems I will have them bring me their garbage can and I will remind them what I went through to bring them into this world! LOL!!!!!
We stopped by my family's in Olive Branch on the way home and made the big announcement that we were expecting baby #2! :)