Saturday, June 4, 2011

Happy 8 Months Khloe!

Can you believe how big she is getting!?!
The thoughts of my 8 month old: 
"Hmmm..." that looks like something I could have fun with!"


"First I will touch it..."

"Next, I will kick it"
"Maybe I will crawl on it"

"It would be better if I could stand on it"

"Shoot.. mom is saying sit down"

"Better smile so I don't get in as much trouble"

Eight months … and counting.

I know I say it every month, but I just can’t believe it’s been eight months, especially because that makes it only FOUR months until she is a year old. She is just getting so big and developing such a personality! I still gaze at her in utter amazement that she is MY creation.

A few of the basics:

  • Weighs about 16-17 pounds
  • Height was 26.5’ at 6 month checkup
  • Wearing size 3 diapers and 3-6 & 6-9 month clothes
  • Eating 3 solid meals a day, as of Monday
  • Sleeping 12 hours at night, and napping at least 3 times a day
  • Bottom left tooth finally broke through

She has really learned a lot this month. It’s been really cute to watch the fun side of her personality begin to shine through. I think the cutest thing is watching her “flirt”. This is especially true with John David. She will smile, laugh, and make all kind of sounds until he looks at her and then she just squeals. She’s making a bunch of new facial expressions and laughing so loud. She learned how to fake cough and will do it for as long as you laugh at her. She plays patty cake and peekaboo and has began saying “DA” for Dada. 

 A few of her new video below. Click to watch. 


I thought I would have to buy the monkey a helmet when she first started pulling herself up, but over the past month her balance has improved so much. She rarely ever falls these days, and when she does fall she can usually catch herself without bumping her head. She’s taken a few more steps, but not many. She definitely could walk if she wanted to but for whatever reason she just won’t.

 (you know that shirt is the cutest thing ever) ha

Confessions from her momma:

While seven months was a fun month and she learned a bunch, I am a teeny bit (ok, a LOT a bit) happy to approach month eight. Though I knew she would have a hard time with separation anxiety, I wasn’t ready. Last week she would not let me leave her sight without going into a full blown emotional breakdown.

I don’t know about you guys, but for me, when it rains on my life … it freakin’ floods. I’m pretty sure that poor Khloe’s anxiety would not have been so bad (on me) if it would have happened ANY other month than May. I think it was the worst month I’ve had since September of 2010.

Though I knew it was going to happen, and it was completely normal for Khloe to feel this kind of anxiety, I wasn’t in the best mindset to emotionally handle it.

Confession #1: A couple times as I was leaving a room, I let out a few tears as she would begin to scream.

Confession #2: For the first time, I had the “I need a break from her” moment.

Confession #3: I would sneak in and watch her sleeping like an angel and cry that I let myself get upset that she was having a bad day. I tortured myself by thinking about how I cried every month that I had a “negative” pregnancy test when I was trying for her. 

Confession #4: The dishes piled, the laundry baskets were overflowing, the mail sat in the mailbox, and I didn’t get dressed for a solid week.

The truth is being a Mommy is hard. It changes everything you have ever known about a “normal” life. There are bad days, but there are good days too. Sometimes I cry. Sometimes I don’t do the dishes (or brush my hair) for five or six days, but the truth is that those things would happen every now and then with or without my Khloe Brooke. The truth is, being a Momma is the very best thing that has ever happened to me. Though I often hope tomorrow will be better, no matter how bad the day may be, I absolutely can not imagine my life without her. I am so thankful God gave her to me.

I love you baby girl! Happy Eight Months!

…. And for the perfect ending, I walked to the kitchen and came back to find that Khloe finished the blog for me. Enjoy:



1 comment:

  1. OKAY this blog is one of my favorites! I laughed cried and said awe about 5 times! GOSH I wish you weren't so far away!
