Friday, September 30, 2011

Happy 12 Months Khloe!

(Khloe's birthday is actually tomorrow, but since her BIG bday celebration is tomorrow, I'm posting one day early :)

Dear Khloe Brooke,

One year ago at 9:33 p.m., you were taken from my belly and placed in my arms. At 5 pounds and four ounces, you were the tiniest, most adorable, John David-looking, sweeeeeeeeeeeetest baby I have ever laid eyes on. Friday, October 1, 2010 my heart quadrupled in size when you made me the proudest new Mommy in this whole world!

Every day you learn and you do, and your Momma doesn’t miss a minute! You are one year old today and your Mommy & Daddy are absolutely stunned by how much you have grown and have become such a “big girl!”

The basics:
- Weight: about 20lbs
- Size: 4 diapers, 6-9 shirts, 9 month pants, some 12 month outfits. 4W shoes.
- Teeth: 6 total. Top two side teeth just broke through a few days ago.  
- Food: She had her first sips of cow’s milk on 9/18. I’m introducing it slowly, but excited to wean her from the $20 a week formula!!! She’s eating more and more table foods, but I’m still taking it slow on how much we give her. A few of her new fav foods this month are yogurt, granola bars, and bread.

A few fun things she’s learned in the past few months:
-Points to nose, foot and mouth
-Marches in place
-Makes high pitch shrills when asked “what does Bella say?” (umph umph!)
-Climbs on top of EVERYTHING
-Sits on her Dora couch and reads books constantly
-Dances non-stop
-Carries her baby around and kisses (licks!) her face
-Does sign language for “eat”
-Started playing in her room by herself
-Runs to the bathroom {super excited} when it’s bath time
-Regularly calls Daddy on her phone (hand) throughout the day, especially if she gets mad at me!
-Loves playing with Bella (Deh-Deh, as she calls her). I’ve caught her a few times trying to give her kisses.. eewww!
-Blows kisses
-Plays peek-a-boo
-Gives "high fives"
-Tries to put shoes on her feet

John David and I are absolutely smitten by this little girl. We’ve been spending a lot of “floor time” this month. We sit...she performs. The more we laugh, the harder she works for it. We can’t get enough of it.

I can’t believe it’s been one year. Honestly. It seems like it was just yesterday she made her dramatic entrance into our world. I can’t imagine where my life would be without her.

Happy Twelve months my precious Khloe Brooke. You make life so much more fun and worth-while. I hope you never forget how much your Mommy & Daddy love you! I can’t wait to see how much you grow and learn in the next year. Have no fear, Momma will be there.. camera in hand, blogging about it! ; )

Love always, Mommy

P.S. The CIRCUS is in town!! Khloe’s First Bday pictures coming soon to a city near you! Get your tickets now! ; )

1 comment:

  1. Happy 1st Birthday, Khloe! Aunt Laney loves you. Heather, I'm proud of you and the Mother you are. I love reading your blog. John David sounds like a great Daddy from what you write and I'm proud of him too. All three of you are lucky to have each other! I'm lucky y'all are my niece, nephew and great-niece. I love all of you.
