Monday, March 21, 2011

Adventures in Homemade Baby Food

PROS: It's fresh, more nutritional, more varied, freezes well, AND it's cheaper. 

CONS: Time consuming, doesn't travel well, requires extra freezer space. 

I was very excited when it came time for Khloe to start on solids. For the past couple months, I have spent countless hours reading/researching the benefits of homemade VS store bought. I've been super excited to see if I could do it. 
We started out with bananas, butternut squash, pears, carrots & avocados. 

Khloe played {in her adorable new high chair} while mommy worked.

Step 1: Peel carrots & cut into small chunks.  {LOVE my new monogrammed cutting board that my baby sister bought me!}

Step 2: Steam for about 6 1/2 minutes. I didn't have a real steamer, so I placed my colander into a pan with water just barely touching the bottom of the colander and then put a lid on top slightly open on one side so the steam could escape.

Step 3: Puree. There again, I didn't have a food processor, but the blender works just fine. Mine even has a "puree and/or liquefy setting. I use both} Add small amounts distilled water (you can also use boiled tap water, but buying distilled by the gallon is super cheap and I think much more convenient. We always have at least 5 gallons in our pantry! :)

Step 4: Store in ice cube trays and freeze. Butternut Squash on the left / Carrots on the right. *Each cube equals one ounce. I bought one bag of carrots for 87 cents and it made 10 cubes- not all pictured.

Step 5: Once they are frozen, crack the tray and store in ziploc bags for easy access.

I bought  pears and avocados and then realized they don't freeze very well in cubes. It's better to cut in half and wrap in plastic wrap until you are ready to use. I'm waiting to introduce her to fruits until she has had more vegetables. If you give fruits too soon they often desire the sweet taste in foods.

Step 6: 1 ounce of pureed carrots + 1.5 tablespoons of Rice cereal + 1.5 ounces of formula + distilled water. Microwave on medium for 10 seconds. 

Homemade Baby Food YUM-O! 
And she liked! SUCCESS!

Is it bad of me that I am kind of excited about her turning all orangy from those carrots? HA!

*Just so you don't think I'm JUDGING you for using store bought, I am positive there will be many occasions when I use store bought. I have a few containers already. I am not 100% sure that I would be going through all this if I worked everyday. Since I stay at home with my Khloe, I figure why not give it a shot?! :)

1 comment:

  1. Heather, she is such a doll. You're a wonderful Mommy.

