Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Every house has it's tree

It seems that every house we live in has it's own Tree story. When we lived in Jackson we managed to STEAL four Bradford Pear trees originally priced at $99.98, $121.84, $119.94 and $229.94, paying $24 (yep, twenty four dollars) for all four trees. They were priced wrong and also rang up at 30 % off. We loved those trees. The only way I can ever convince John David to drive past that house in Jackson is to see how much they have grown. 

 Last night, I put dinner in the oven and set the timer for 30 minutes. We packed Khloe in her stroller and went on our daily walk, but this time around our neighborhood. About half way through the walk, I spotted this sign. 

John David laughs at me at how well I can spot freebies and goodwills.

I got so excited that I made John David call right away. Ever since we moved to "Tropical Mobile," I have wanted a few sago palms in our yard. The small ones range from 50-100 a PIECE. We walked down to inspect the plant to see if it was anything we wanted and I nearly died. It was HUGE. It was gorgeous. "Babe!! We have to have that!!"

The owner was a little old lady whose husband had just passed away a couple months ago. The plant was really close to her side walk and she was just not able to keep it cut back and cared for. She wanted to have it cut up but her neighbor put a sign up saying it was free so she wouldn't have to pay to have it taken down.

John David went and dug it up. Yep, still in his surgery scrubs.

 It was starting to get late, but it was going to be a little too chilly to leave it unplanted, so we picked the PERFECT place for it, and Jd began digging.

........ and.... there is a reason why they say "CALL before you dig." Yep. He cut the water line. Dead in the middle.

Luckily, from that DANG Jackson house, we had a ton of leftover pipes and supplies {in the storage shed. ha ha ha I KNOW}

So. We all know I'm truly blonde at heart. The picture below is right after I admitted to John David that I had a confession. When he first broke the water line and it began squirting everywhere, the very first thought I had was "Omg.. what kind of root did he hit that is squirting juice up." It was only a BRIEF thought until I quickly realized it was WATER, duh. John David told me not to tell anyone else that I thought of that. He laughed. For awhile. {we needed SOMETHING to laugh about. glad I could do it. HA}

Have I mentioned that I love my husband? Because I really do.

In the end, my sweet husband had to dig not two, but three holes. 

{for the record, I am also adding to my list of reasons I love John David: he really is the strongest guy I know. he picked that almost 6 foot tall, 4 foot wide tree up and CARRIED it to the truck- by himself , he is without a doubt a "Mr. Fix-it", and not one time last night did he lose his temper. he amazes me}

We ended up not getting in bed until 1:30 AM, and my sweet husband got up at 5.

It really is going to look good once it's all cleaned up. Plus, it had new growth growing on the bottom, we pulled those off and are going to plant in a pot until they get bigger and then plant the smaller ones around it.

I really think that if my husband loved me less it would keep him from getting into these silly situations. But he loves me... and I'm 98% sure he would do it again for me. {I said 98 percent, 2 percent of me wonders..}

Our next house, we will hire people to do this kind of stuff.

Until then, we will add this story to our list of Homeowner Horrors. 

I love you husband.


  1. ROTFLMBO....Kelli showed this to me. I can relate! I love your thriftyness. I am a coupon Diva. I too have planted by the headlights on my car. I did it last week actually. I bow down to the queen of organization. Perhaps I shall get there one day.

  2. : ) Who is this? If you post "anonymous" you have to make sure and put your name at the end so I can properly respond! :)

  3. Sorry bout that. I figured you would ask Kelli when I realized what I had done. This is Amy. I work with your sister. Tell John David that I plant in scrubs too. ;)
