Friday, March 4, 2011

Happy 5 months Khloe!

Khloe just keeps growing and growing and making mommy extremely sad at how big she’s getting! I have a few tears every single time I pack up a new round of her clothes every few months.

She has changed so much over the past month. She talks non-stop.  From the moment she’s awake, until she is asleep it’s just chatter! The first day she started doing this, John David and I were in the car and we laughed the whole way at her. Recently, I’ve noticed that she will be half way awake during naps and will talk/sing her self back to sleep.

We are almost ready for size 2 diapers. I finally had to pack up the 3 month onesies {tear}. She can still wear some of her 3 month outfits, but for the most part it’s 3-6 month. 

She is still sleeping about 12 hours at night and takes at least 3 naps a day, a lot of times four. The last time she caused me to miss sleep was when she was 2 months and was on a 3 hour feeding. Amaaazing!

My little drama queen gave mommy and daddy a scare last week. What we thought was a slight cold turned into RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus ). The cough got so bad that she would stop breathing. Thankfully, I got her to the doctor in time and her oxygen levels were not yet bad enough to put us in the hospital. Antibiotics won’t treat this infection, so we’ve just had to wait for it to run it’s course and give her breathing treatments every four hours in the meantime.  Watching your baby sick and feeling so helpless has to be one of the worst parts of parenting. 


Although I know it’s bad, I have to admit that watching her suck on her thumb is absolutely adorable. It’s pretty much non-stop now. Yesterday I was giving her a breathing treatment and she somehow managed to get her thumb through the hole on the side and got that thumb in her mouth. It was really cute.

She’s started eating cereal once before bed. She still hasn’t mastered the spoon. Most of the food ends up on the high chair and running down her bibs, but she gets a little better every day. I’m excited to introduce her to real baby food in the next couple weeks. The plan is I am going to attempt to make homemade baby food for her. There are a ton of benefits to doing it and it’s cheaper. So, we will see.

She has perfect control of her head. I love watching her pick her self up when she’s laying on her tummy. I think it’s only a matter of time before she can sit up on her own.

She’s definitely teething. The pediatrician said she thought she was going to get her first tooth a little earlier than expected. I change her clothes at least twice a day from all the DROOL. Hopefully, this is why she is wanting to suck her thumb so much and it won't be an impossible habit to break when the teething stage is over. Hopefully!

You hear it over and over again when you are pregnant; just wait until that baby is here. Two weeks before I had Khloe, I was really worried about how our lives were going to change. Looking back, it kind of aggravates me how people can speak that kind of fear into your life. I told John David a couple weeks ago, that if you really think about, our lives have not changed THAT much (other than we are broke from diapers and formula ha). We still travel, we still go to dinner, we still go to the movies, we do pretty much the same things we did before, but now we have this adorable little girl that we kiss on at night. Obviously, when she’s mobile things will be more interesting, but for now, our lives are complete and we love every minute of her. 

Did I mention how Khloe has taken over my TV? And how I now know the theme song to EVERY cartoon she watches? 

Here's her most recent 5 month pics. Enjoy!

There's that John David frown again.

 I love her hair!!!

{squeal!} Don't you just want to BITE those chunky legs!?!?

 This is her new thing. She (like Mariah Carey) is obsessed with her left leg. She wants to raise/show it/flaunt it constantly.

If those aren't HEATHER eyes, I don't know what is! :) 

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