Monday, June 14, 2010

Sweet Home Alabama

After fourteen long days, we finally moved into our new house. Many thanks to our amazing family for making our homelessness transition a little easier. 

As with most things with us, things didn’t go exactly as planned: First we had the delayed move in, next there were problems with the AC unit and for the first 3 days the only air in the house was from a small window unit we’ve had in storage for the past few years, and not to forget some unexpected closing costs that our realtor “forgot” to tell us about. Through it all, we tried to keep a positive attitude. After all, we were simply happy to be out of Jackson and we LOVE our new house.

If you have been around John David anytime in the past few months, you have heard about “THE ATTIC” da da da dum. Our house in Jackson had very limited closet and storage space, but an attic that stretched across the entire house. Anytime we had something that needed to go into storage, it would just get thrown up in the attic. When it came time to put the house on the market, I went through and boxed up all the “clutter” we had collected over the years. Of course, those boxes also went to the attic. Moving day finally rolls around and it took over two days and help from friends to get down the countless number of boxes, some of which had sat in that attic for over three years. At that point, John David SWORE that our next attic would NEVER get to that point again, and I finally accepted the truth of “Hi, my name is Heather Tullos, and I am a hoarder.” Life changing moments!

Needless to say, the first two weeks of moving in were spent opening and sorting through millions of boxes. I began planning “the world’s largest yard sale” and promised JD that I would donate almost everything that didn’t sell. The sale was a huge success. We made over $250.00 and donated everything that didn’t sell to the local goodwill. Surprisingly, I felt a huge sense of relief as I watched the boxes carted into the store. My new motto “Less IS more.”

With my new motto in mind, I began to unpack the baby room. I’m so thankful to have people in my life that love me. My amazing friends/ family hosted baby showers in Jackson & Memphis for me. WHO knew such a tiny human being requires SO much stuff?! Diapers, wipes, bottles, baby food, lotions, creams, blankets, etc. etc. I quickly realized my new concept of “less is more” was NOT going to work with this baby. It’s actually quite opposite. We made a rule that anytime one of us goes to Walmart, you buy a pack of diapers. Less is NOT more. And don’t even think about cloth diapers. NOT happening.

June 24, 2010
I was really nervous about switching doctors mid pregnancy. After talking to a few of the resident’s wives here in Mobile, I made an appointment at a doctor who they all recommended. As it turned out, I ended up loving her. We did an ultra sound and everything looked great. The ultra sound tech told us she weighed a little over a pound and looked like she was going to have some pretty long legs. : )

July 1, 2010
Jd started his first day as an intern at USA (University South Alabama). He set his schedule up to start work at the Veteran’s Hospital because Mobile doesn’t have a VA, meaning the residents have to travel back and forth to Biloxi, MS (about an hour fifteen minutes travel time one-way) to work for that month. The month was full of early mornings and late evenings, leaving little time family time, but we wanted to get that rotation out of the way before the baby arrives.

The month of July was a mixture of good and bad for me. The “morning sickness’ or what I like to call “ALL day EVERY day sickness” seemed to just intensify. Any “old wives tales” or “tips” you have heard about how to avoid the sickness, I tried. Winterfresh gum, eating a few saltines before getting out of bed, warm apple juice, peppermints, eating 6 smalls meals a day; you name it, I tried it. My doctor finally told me “Heather, I’ve prescribed every type of nausea medicine you can take while pregnant.” Towards the end of the month, the morning sickness eased but in its absence came severe migraine headaches. I’m hoping that I have maybe moved on from the horrible nausea and vomiting, but my doctor doesn’t give me a lot of hope that the headaches will get any better within the next three months. All I know is that little Miss Khloe better be a good baby once she gets here!! Mommy has suffered enough! : )

July 28, 2010
I had my 6 month checkup. I was really nervous about this appointment because we had to do the routine gestational diabetes test (and of course, this was the first appointment John David wasn’t able to come with me.) I have not had any complications to date but failing this test means you are put on a restricted diet. If you know me, you understand that this was just not possible. I don’t do healthy food. Baby likes fries.. and chicken nuggets.. LOL. Thankfully, I passed and headed straight to Wendy’s. Ha ha. The baby’s heart beat sounded perfect, I gained a pound and a half – which was the first time I hadn’t LOST weight since I became pregnant, so my doctor was happy. That night I over heard Jd tell a friend on the phone that it looked like I had two watermelons in my belly. Umm.. two? Really? Dang.
We have about 3 months to go until Bella is no longer an only child. : ) I’m at 28 weeks with only 12 to go. I realized Saturday that I’m 6 months pregnant and have not bought any maternity clothes. I still fit into everything I have but the belly is starting to protrude. Pics to come soon! : )

I know everyone is dying to see pictures of the new house. I clearly have control issues. And I like things to be perfect.  We are just no where near perfect.. yet. There are no pictures hung, none of the rooms have been painted and there are still rooms with boxes in it. Just as soon as things start to come together, I WILL take pictures – I promise.  
To all my stalkers, I apologize it took me over a month to update you on everything. It’s been a busy month and I’ve been sick for most of it. Hopefully I’m over the worst part and can start actually enjoying being pregnant and can keep you better informed of what’s going on! : )

Love to you all. Thanks for reading!!

P.S. My birthday is in TEN days. : ) -

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Khloe's Moving!!!!

It was early Tuesday and the morning was not going well for me. We were rushing to get everything loaded in the moving trucks before it was time to close on the house and I could not shake the morning sickness. By mid morning the house was about empty and I found myself lying on the hallway carpet praying for strength. Then it happened. It wasn’t a flutter, it was a KICK. I was beginning to think maybe I had made it up and then AGAIN. I called Jd over and told I thought she had kicked. His eyes lit up as he put his hand on my belly. We waited for a few seconds and then all of a sudden we both screamed at the same time. Not only did I feel it, but he did too!!! Such a special moment!

Since then I’m pretty sure she’s been doing something more like back-flips because she’s been moving like crazy! It’s the strangest feeling but somehow that one little kick makes all the morning sickness I’ve had seem worth it! So excited the upcoming months!