Monday, January 31, 2011

Happy 4 months Khloe!

A day in Khloe’s Life

Sleep, Eat, Play, Repeat

8:00-9:00 am Wakes up only to eat, usually goes right back to sleep

10:00-11:00 am Wakes up, eat, watches a little bit of Sesame Street or Dr. Seuss (which ever is on) then plays with mommy & toys

12:00-1:00 pm (or about an hour and half to two hours after waking up) – Nap
Usually naps for about 2 to 2 ½ hours

2:00-3:00 pm Wakes, eats, watches baby Einstein or Arthur, plays with toys or in Baby Einstein jumper

4:00-5:00 pm Goes down for late afternoon nap, usually for about an hour.

5:00-6:00 pm Wakes, eats, plays until fussy then sits in Bumbo and watches helps Mommy cook dinner

7:30-9:30 pm Plays with Mommy and Daddy especially, takes a bath (every other or every 2 days), eats and goes to bed.

4:00-6:00 am Wakes for early morning feeding.

Thought I'd thrown in a few nakey pictures for your enjoyment. ; ) 

Can you believe she is already FOUR months old?? Seems just like yesterday....

She is growing like a weed and learning new things almost everyday.

She sleeps soundly through the night now. I only get up once for the early morning feeding and rarely ever hear a peep from her other than that.

She’s really beginning to take an interest in toys now. She loves anything with bright colors and dangling toys she can hit with her hands. One of my friends gave us a little giraffe that sings lullabies and it has quickly became one of her favorite toys for when we are out-and-about. : )

She is still rolling over (from stomach to back). She loves to do it just as she is trying to go to sleep in her crib then looks up at me like I should scream and congratulate her like I did the first time.

She has finally outgrown her 0-3 month onesies. She is wearing the 3-6 months now and is still in size 1 diapers. I think she weighs about 13 pounds. We will find out for sure at her next Doctor's appointment (on the 14th).

She refuses to take a passy. She hasn’t had one since she was about 2 months old. A few days ago she had a stomach ache and was super cranky so I thought I’d try it out on her again. NOT happening. She gets FURIOUS when you put it in her mouth. The past few days she has rediscovered her thumb and now sucks on it constantly like she did during her first month. If her hand is not in her mouth, she has it clasped together with the other. She LOVES those hands.

Talking/laughing/cooing/giggling so much and we LOVE it. I feel like every laugh needs to be videoed because it’s just so adorable. We are absolutely SMITTEN by this little girl! Happy 4 months sweet baby.

Don't you just wanna BITE her? she is SO adorbs!

God this picture kills me. Look how LONG she is. I mean... *tear*

trying her very best to sit up. she refuses to be anything other than a "big girl"

see my feet?

Monday, January 24, 2011

Drab 2 Fab: Side Table

I found this piece of junk side table at Goodwill for $4.99. I didn't know where it would end up once I was finished with it, but knew I could FIND somewhere for it for 5 bucks. 

Talk about DRABBY! The left inside wood was completely peeled back and needing some SERIOUS work.

I used my rotary sander and took it down to the original wood (forgot to take pic, sorry.) At this point, I still didn't have a real vision for the table, so I spray painted it black.

Once it was dry, I knew something else needed to happen to it. That's when I found some paint I've had for almost 4 years. Illusions Faux Finish Crackle. I got my fine sandpaper out did a quick rub over it and got to work.

Here's everything I needed for this project - Best of all, EVERYTHING here I already had from previous projects.

The hubby snapped a pic of me HARD at work. It's a tough life guys!

 Beginning to dry. Crackle has only started to begin.



This fabulous piece now has a new home in the Guest Bedroom. I am SO in love with it!!


This is a SUPER easy project after all the prep work. Here's how I did it:
  • Step 1: Apply Base Coat (whatever color you want to show through on the crackle)
  • Step 2: Apply Crackle Glaze. I used Sherwin Williams Illusion Crackle Medium.
  • Step 3: Apply Top Coat. I used Valspar Spa Blue.

THAT'S IT! The crackle does all the work for you! A-MAZING!!

Please, show me some love, leave a comment and tell me what you think!

Also, don't forget to "follow me!"

Friday, January 21, 2011

Khloe Rolls Over!!

*Tear* my baby is getting SO big.

Fabulous Find: The Dining Room Decor

I have been wanting some new drapes in my dining room. A few weeks ago I spotted some fabric rolled up at Goodwill. I couldn't unroll it because it it was all taped up, but I liked the print on it and MOST of all the price tag $4.00!! Bad Heather, I forgot to take a picture of it all rolled up. Most of you wouldn't have even picked it up because how it looked all wrapped up. Tip #1: Don't judge a book by it's cover. Or, fabric taped up in this case : ). Here's a pic of the print:

When I bought it I didn't know that I would use it for drapes, but if you know me, and know my love for fabric, you understand why I didn't pass it up. I got it home and unrolled it and was so excited. I had planned on using my curtain clips if it would work for drapes, but once I got it all layed out I discovered someone had already had it professionally pleated. Yay! 

I sprayed it down with lysol, stuck it in the dryer on high for a few minutes, took an iron to it, and hung it.

Since there were only two panels and I have two windows, I just decided to put one panel on each. I actually like it better with these narrow windows.

Here's a pic of half the dining room. As you will notice, we are in the process of swagging the light fixture over the table. the hook is already mounted but connecting the dimmer wires is a little harder than we expected. Have no fear, the father in law will be here next week! ; )

I found this really cute wrought iron cross at Hobby Lobby in the clearance aisle for $3.88. Yep, four bucks.

The reason it was on sale was the scratches on the middle of it.

I was not at all worried about that. Because I, of course, have a solution for that!

Guardsman Furniture Polish Pen! And here it is:

So, my fabulous finds for the dining room Total cost: $8.00. Can you really beat that??

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Drab 2 Fab: Bed Bench

This is one of my favorite transformations so far. Sadly enough, I don't have before pictures : (

About 4 years ago while driving through Jackson, MS, I spotted an old antique store with a big sign that said "EVERYTHING MUST GO!" I'm a sucker for these sales. I had time to kill so went on it. No wonder they were going out of business.. everything was JUNK! Just as I was about to walk out the door, I spotted an old bench. I asked the gentlemen how much it was and he said "$15, but if you will take it right now, I will give it to you for $8" SOLD. If you could have seen the look on John David's face when I brought this old, raggedly, torn up bench into our apartment!!! "WHAT are you gonna do with that?!?"

I know I took before pictures, but had them stored on my old computer, which crashed a few years ago. So sadly I don't have any. Here's a picture of what the fabric sort of looked like - minus the dirt, tears, and stains- 

Photo Source

I originally covered it in a zebra print to match my black, white and red living room. I got over that real quick. While shopping for fabric for Khloe's nursery I found this fabric on sale for $6.00 a yard and knew I had to have it. I hope you are noticing that I NEVER pay full price for fabric!

I did this reupholstering prior to my ELECTRIC STAPLER purchase. I used the old fashioned stapler:

Seriously, if you do crafts often, the electric stapler is the way to go! It does all the work for you! This project took me all day because you have to stop and regain strength after nearly staple shoot. I will NEVER again reuse this stapler for re-upholstering. Actually, I don't think I'll use it again for anything.. but I am some what of a hoarder and can't bring myself to trash it.

I found my electric stapler at a local hardware store, Harbor Freight Tools, on sale for $18.00 (I think they are originally about $40) and then I had a 40% off coupon. I ended up paying about $8.00 for it. You can also use nails in this one. AWESOME.

I think sometimes I go out of my way to FIND projects that involve that tool. John David says it's only a matter of time before I end up in his ER due to a "staple injury."

For this project, I had to basically take everything apart because it was in such bad shape. The filling inside was all but gone. I went to walmart, bought a bag of PolyFil (about $2) and overstuffed the inside. It made ALL the difference and even gave it a new look!

So, here is the final project. I really wish I had before pictures. Almost makes me want to take it apart and redo it just for step-by-step pictures... I said ALMOST.

I put it in our guest bedroom at the foot of the bed. I'm in love with it.

(apparently my camera lens is dirty. I'll work on that)

Total Cost: $28.00

What do you think?? I love comments! : )

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Drab 2 Fab: Dining Room Extra Seating

My Grandma found two dining room chairs for SIX bucks a piece at a Goodwill in Memphis. She knew I could do something with them, so bought them and brought them to me. Here they are all drabby:

I have a very large dining room, and until I can afford that $900 china cabinet at Ashley's Furniture (yea, it's gonna be awhile) I had to find some stuff to fill up the room. The red dresser was a great piece but still didn't fill the room.

On a shopping trip with my BFF, Tabatha, we ran into Hancocks to check out the massive sale they had been advertising. I didn't have alot of money so didn't plan to buy anything UNTIL I spotted this material and the price tag. It was on sale for $2.00 a yard. That is CRAZY cheap for upholstery fabric. I knew I needed about 3-4 yards to reupholster those chairs and all that was left was 4 yards of this fabric. I knew, it was fate. So, for $8.00 I bought the fabric and brought it home.  Here it is:

I didn't like how they had fabric down the legs. I figured there had to be some wood underneath it, so I got my razor blade out and started cutting. And, I was right.

It was way too cold out to do this project outside, so I cut up a big box that one of Khloe's toys came in and started staining the legs.

Next up, reupholstering. I, of course, used my handy-dandy Electric Stapler. LOVE that thing!

It only took me about 3 hours for this project. I think I will go back and add a few more layers of stain just to get them a tad darker to match my dining room table, but overall I'm super happy at how they turned out!   
 Total cost: TWENTY Bucks!!



What do you think?