Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Happy 6 months Khloe!

Diapers $276

Formula $600

Baby wipes $180

One smile from the most beautiful baby girl in the whole wide world: PRICELESS!

For everything else, there’s Daddy’s mastercard.

Can you believe she is already 6 months? I can’t. While reading one of my baby books I came to the “6 month” chapter and the very first sentence was, “time to baby-proof the house.” I’m not gonna lie; I went into a slight panic. It’s true though. Everyday she’s becoming more and more mobile.

She is getting closer and closer to sitting up. She attempted to crawl, for the first time, the night before her 6 month birthday (watch the video here). She love love LOVES standing up. If she could just hold her body up, I’m pretty sure she would skip the crawling process and take off walking.

She reaches for EVERYTHING. If she is able to grab it, the first place it is going to go is in her mouth! She has actually been sucking a passy lately (I know! I can't believe it either). She will rarely take it when we are home, but if we are out running errands she likes it.

I think she's probably around 16 pounds. We'll find out for sure at her 6 month checkup, which is in a couple weeks.

She is still sleeping great. We put her down around 8-9 and she sleeps until at least 7am, most of the time 9ish. It's still amazes me how fast she falls asleep when we lay her down for naps and bedtime. There's no rocking, no patting of the back, no singing- JUST sleeping.

{doesn't she look like she's just talking away in this pic?
That's because she was. baa ba da bada}
(If you haven't seen the video of her talking, click here)

So, the homemade baby food adventure is going great. She's eating solids twice a day, that usually  consists of carrots, sweet potato, pears or avocados. She loves it all {yay mommy!} She gets so impatient and frustrated when she sees me put it in the microwave. When the spoon is entering her face she opens her mouth really wide and reaches for the spoon. She also had a "baby mum-mum" for the first time last week for the first time.

See that smirk? See that bossy hand telling me to give her a minute? It's true. She is the boss around this house! How can you resist? She's just too cute!

She's still in 3-6 month clothes and almost to size 3 diapers. Her little belly is really starting to round out... and those legs- chunky monkey!!! I can't wait to put her in the itty bitty bikins we have for summer and put her in the pool. Since she absolutely LOVES the bath. (watch here) I just know she is going to love the pool.

At the end of the day, we walk in her bedroom to see this little heart shaped booty sticking up in the air, and this overwhelming sense of pride and joy fills my heart. My how just six months of being with this precious little girl has forever changed my life.

I often daydream about what this post will look like in six years. Ballerina tutus, messy pony tails, soccer cleats, pom-poms, mud pies, barbie dolls, chocolate milk, and maybe Cinderella dress-up clothes. Who will her "BFFS" be? What will her laugh sound like? What will her pretend teacher name be when she "plays school." {My sister and I FOUGHT everyday over who would get to be called "Mrs. Love" when we played!!!}

Until then, I cherish each and every moment we experience with her. I just still can't believe it's been SIX months. Here's a few of the 6 month pics. Enjoy! :)