Friday, December 2, 2011


Have you ever had those days where everything, and I mean everything, that could go wrong does go wrong? That’s been the theme of my last three or four months. I can’t count how many times I’ve sat down to write a new blog and got halfway through and deleted it after one quick glance. It didn’t matter what the subject was, but every new entry seemed sad, uninspired, or even angry. Two months later, there has not been one new update. : (  

Last night, I stood in the shower and silently spoke to myself. Sometimes, that’s the best therapy. I know I need to update my blog, and I know everyone is wondering where I’ve been, but where do I even begin? And then, like a flood, it all came pouring in. Like previews at the beginning of a movie, the last year flashed before my eyes. It’s been one whole YEAR! I’ve come so far. I can not believe I actually made it. The pre-planned five minute shower evolved to a motionless fifteen minute meditation.

It was just over a year ago that I found myself in the saddest and darkest time of my entire life. Khloe was a tiny little newborn baby and I cried every single day. Not a moment passed that I didn’t beat myself up for feeling sad and not enjoying every second I shared with my sweet little girl, but I literally could not stop the sadness and the tears. Everyone that knew me was seriously and legitimately concerned. My OBGYN convinced me to keep taking the antidepressant she prescribed a month before I gave birth, but John David and I both knew my depression wasn’t anything medicine would fix. It wasn’t a mental problem; it was one hundred percent circumstantial. I took the pills anyway. It was the only solution that was tangible or realistic at the time.

I was five months pregnant when we moved to Alabama. John David intentionally set his schedule up so that the first half of the year would be the busiest so that when the baby came, he would have more time to spend at home with us. No one could have prepared for just how bad my first pregnancy would be. I spent nearly every day completely alone, crying, and vomiting with severe migraines. John David felt completely helpless. He had no control over his ridiculous work schedule and couldn’t be there for me when I needed him the most. My family did everything they could to come see me, but I never felt happy because I had complete anxiety knowing they would be leaving me in just a few days. I couldn’t make friends, even if I wanted to, because I physically could not leave my house by myself. Problems with our realtor left our savings completely wiped out and money was tighter than I had ever even imagined it could be. Khloe was finally born, and I wasn’t sick, but I was still home alone and everything John David and I touched seemed to crash underneath us.

I stood in the shower with tears falling from my eyes remembering just how desperate I was only one year ago. I thought about the little things that have had me down over the past couple months and couldn’t help but laugh. “If I can just make it ONE more year..” I said aloud to myself.

For a long time I’ve been very embarrassed and ashamed that I was sad and depressed during what was supposed to be “the happiest time” of my life. There are only a handful of people that even know I took antidepressants. At some point, you realize you are not alone. Just because other women have had amazing experiences during pregnancy doesn’t mean that I should have had the same experience. There are families all across the world that would give anything, ANYTHING to conceive and carry a baby in their womb. My experience was absolutely horrible, but at the end of the eight months I delivered the most precious little girl who has become such a huge part of my life. I am completely convinced that I have lost my mind, but I want to do it again. Maybe even three more times. Don’t get ahead of yourself. I am not getting pregnant anytime soon, but I definitely want more babies, even if it means eight or nine months of complete torment.

Here’s my point: we all have our ups and downs. I have had an incredible life full of happiness and sadness, heartache and joy. I can not think about all of the things that have went wrong in my life because your past does not define you; what you do with the present does. Though I’ve had a rough couple months, I still praise God for the things he has done for me and the unseen things he has prepared for my life. Things may not be going the way I would like, but I know God has brought me through before and he will do it time and time again. He never fails.

Ecclesiastes 3: There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens:  a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot,  a time to kill and a time to heal, a time to tear down and a time to build,  a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance,  a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them, a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing,  a time to search and a time to give up, a time to keep and a time to throw away, a time to tear and a time to mend, a time to be silent and a time to speak, a time to love and a time to hate, a time for war and a time for peace.

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving and enjoyed every minute spent with your loved ones. We are all so blessed. Sometimes we take for granted the little things in our lives that many people are not fortunate to have. Hug your babies tight and kiss your husband every single day. There are people across our world that would kill for the crazy lives we live at this very moment!


Monday, October 3, 2011

Khloe's Birthday Circus Decor

I know everyone is dying to see the birthday pictures! I think the easiest way to blog about Khloe's OVER THE TOP #1 birthday party is to do a few posts instead of one massive blog. I know most of you are most interested in the decor, so that's what we'll do first. 

Step right up! Welcome to Khloe's Birthday Circus!


The birthday girl!

Circus Sweets!


The personalized birthday banner

The "Big Top" Cake was the centerpiece of the sweets table.
Can you believe my AMAZING mother-in-law made this?!
You are awesome Teresa!!

To the left of the cake: Gumballs, animal crackers, ring pops, fruity pebble treats, pixie sticks, lollipops, and cupcakes.

To the right of the cake: Chocolate and sprinkle covered pretzels, stacked gumdrops, gummy bears, cotton candy, gumballs, and cupcakes.

My sister thought I was CRAZY when I asked her to color coordinate the skittles.
Totally worth it, right!?!

Cupcakes are always cuter with personalized toppers!

Popcorn, of course!

We served corn dogs (not pictured because I completely forgot they were still in the oven. Luckily John David remembered before they burnt! HA), chips & mexican cheese dip, and drinks. You know I had to put a little personalized label on the water bottles ; )

The smash cake

Khloe's little friends table

I made this balloon wreath :)

The kiddos place settings

The ball pit

Prizes and face painting table :)

Gift table

Bounce house

The pinata

Circus photo op :)

Special thanks to our amazing friends and family who helped make Khloe's first birthday a HUGE success! She had so much fun and got waaaaay too many toys! Thank you for helping me spoil her!

John David told me that I set the bar super high and he didn't know WHAT we would do for her second birthday. :) What can I say? I don't really do "small." Is it really a bad thing?! ; )

Friday, September 30, 2011

Happy 12 Months Khloe!

(Khloe's birthday is actually tomorrow, but since her BIG bday celebration is tomorrow, I'm posting one day early :)

Dear Khloe Brooke,

One year ago at 9:33 p.m., you were taken from my belly and placed in my arms. At 5 pounds and four ounces, you were the tiniest, most adorable, John David-looking, sweeeeeeeeeeeetest baby I have ever laid eyes on. Friday, October 1, 2010 my heart quadrupled in size when you made me the proudest new Mommy in this whole world!

Every day you learn and you do, and your Momma doesn’t miss a minute! You are one year old today and your Mommy & Daddy are absolutely stunned by how much you have grown and have become such a “big girl!”

The basics:
- Weight: about 20lbs
- Size: 4 diapers, 6-9 shirts, 9 month pants, some 12 month outfits. 4W shoes.
- Teeth: 6 total. Top two side teeth just broke through a few days ago.  
- Food: She had her first sips of cow’s milk on 9/18. I’m introducing it slowly, but excited to wean her from the $20 a week formula!!! She’s eating more and more table foods, but I’m still taking it slow on how much we give her. A few of her new fav foods this month are yogurt, granola bars, and bread.

A few fun things she’s learned in the past few months:
-Points to nose, foot and mouth
-Marches in place
-Makes high pitch shrills when asked “what does Bella say?” (umph umph!)
-Climbs on top of EVERYTHING
-Sits on her Dora couch and reads books constantly
-Dances non-stop
-Carries her baby around and kisses (licks!) her face
-Does sign language for “eat”
-Started playing in her room by herself
-Runs to the bathroom {super excited} when it’s bath time
-Regularly calls Daddy on her phone (hand) throughout the day, especially if she gets mad at me!
-Loves playing with Bella (Deh-Deh, as she calls her). I’ve caught her a few times trying to give her kisses.. eewww!
-Blows kisses
-Plays peek-a-boo
-Gives "high fives"
-Tries to put shoes on her feet

John David and I are absolutely smitten by this little girl. We’ve been spending a lot of “floor time” this month. We sit...she performs. The more we laugh, the harder she works for it. We can’t get enough of it.

I can’t believe it’s been one year. Honestly. It seems like it was just yesterday she made her dramatic entrance into our world. I can’t imagine where my life would be without her.

Happy Twelve months my precious Khloe Brooke. You make life so much more fun and worth-while. I hope you never forget how much your Mommy & Daddy love you! I can’t wait to see how much you grow and learn in the next year. Have no fear, Momma will be there.. camera in hand, blogging about it! ; )

Love always, Mommy

P.S. The CIRCUS is in town!! Khloe’s First Bday pictures coming soon to a city near you! Get your tickets now! ; )

Monday, September 12, 2011

Happy 11 Months Khloe!

We’re less than 1 month away from my baby turning ONE. I can’t take it!!!!

 (attempting to take her headband off and I am attempting to distract her from doing so.. ahh)

Weighs about 20 lbs. Wearing size 4 diapers and 6-9 and some 12 month clothes. Officially wears a 4W shoe.

She has completely mastered walking, and now thinks she can just take off running. She can turn in a complete circle AND walk backwards. She’s learned how to climb up on the couch all by herself.. she doesn’t quite understand that she can’t go off the edge without a boo-boo yet. As soon as I finish these “11 month” pics, the bumper is coming out of her bed. She is WAAAAY too close to being able to flip out of it, so sadly it has to go. : (

John David and I started reading to Khloe when I was pregnant and have continued to do so since then. I love that books are the first toys she reaches for right now. She walks around with them and sits down and flips through the pages while mumbling to herself.

This month she's really started to take an interest in baby dolls. Aunt Ruth bought her a baby doll a couple weeks ago and she has carried that baby around every where she goes. She gives the baby kisses (which means she all but licks the whole baby's face). SUPER cuteness!!

Still napping three times a day, but I feel like we are close to dropping the third. Her bed time is still around 7 and she gets up around 8-8:30.

She has FOUR teeth and two more on the top are just before breaking through. She LOVES finger foods (finally), especially puffs. One more month until whole milk, and let me tell you- I can NOT wait. We go through about $20 a WEEK of formula right now….One more month! : )

The past few weeks she has really started babbling more and more words. It seems like the only time the house is quiet is when she’s napping! A few words she’s saying: Mama, Daddy, Bye Bye, Bella (which sounds like Dey Dey), THIS, and Dance (which also sounds more like Deh Deh)

She LOVES music of any kind. The minute she hears music, she smiles and begins bobbing up and down. She’s recently started stamping her right foot really hard while dancing. The more you laugh at her the harder she dances. We really can’t get enough of it.

She gives BIG wet kisses, points for things she wants, and full on waves for “bye bye.” Things that she knows she’s not supposed to have she says “Da?” and brings it to me. Ha!

Her big ONE YEAR birthday invitations just went out today. It’s going to be October 1st at 2:00 pm at my Grandparents’ church Family Life Center. We hope to see you all there!!

Happy Eleven Months baby girl. Please stop growing so fast.

Love, Mommy

Thursday, August 25, 2011

"The Big 2-5" Bday!

A day that's "all about Heather." That's just the perfect day, if you ask me! :)

Twenty five feels old. My teen years are LONG gone and I'm not getting any younger! My baby cousins are now the "cool" kids that wear the cool clothes and know the cool sayings and laugh at me when I attempt to be "cool". Wasn't it just yesterday I was THAT kid?? Nope. That was YEARS ago, Heather. I like to tell myself that I'm still cool though. :)

Regardless, it was a great day. The hubby always makes me a grilled cheese sandwich on my bday, but this year I was craving a McDonald's hotcakes and sausage breakfast - not to mention, we were running way low on groceries anyway! After breakfast we decided to check out the Farmer's Market Downtown Mobile. We were so disappointed when we got there and realized it was closed. We didn't have any plans for the day, but the Hubs was off ALL day, so we wanted to make the most of it. On a whim, we decided to drive to New Orleans and spend the day window shopping and relaxing in the French Quarter. :)

We started off with lunch at Bubba Gump's Shrimp Company. It {the chicken} was very yummy. Jd said the shrimp was good. I wouldn't know, because shrimp is another item on my do-not-eat list. LOL!

 The {old} Bday girl. :) 

Khloe wanted in on the onion ring tower action. Look at her licking her lips!!

The birthday girl & K Bug in front of the St. Louis Cathedral. 

I heart this picture!

Apparently, August 13th just so happened to be the Red Dress Run in NOLA. I have never seen so many men in dresses. It was.....disturbing.
 Yep. That's a guy. In red lingerie. It was not pretty.

Guy riding a bike... in a red dress.

It seems like every time we are in New Orleans they are having a parade! Actually, I don't think I've been when they haven't had one. Craziness!

I was a little sad that I had already eaten, because this hot dog stand looked yummy.. and it reminded me of the hot dog stands in New York City.

The thing about New Orleans that I love/hate is that you just never know what you are going to run into. I enjoy NOLA during the day, but am not a fan of the night life. It's just not my style. Again, I'm obviously not "cool!" ;)

There are a ton of people that dress up and encourage you to take their picture (for money, of course!) They get a little agitated when you don't drop a few coins in their buckets.  This kid painted himself in all silver and sat on the corner hoping for a few bucks here and there for people to take pics with him. He couldn't have been more than 14 years old. It was 100 degrees outside and I absolutely do not know how he didn't melt!

I'm not EXACTLY sure what he is. I think a statue? There's another form of this guy who dances like a robot. We try to avoid him when we are there because he is very verbal about someone taking his picture and not paying. Ruuude!
And then there's this car:
This is a for-real car, that someone actually drives around. It looked like a homeless person lived in it because it was crammed to the top with junk. The only open space was the driver's seat. Weird.

After a couple hours of strolling through the sidewalks and boutiques, we finally made it to the French Market.(John David was convinced he knew exactly where it was, but he was wrong.. and his wife was RIGHT.. he still won't admit it).

John David brought me here a couple years ago for Valentine's Day and I bought a really cute yellow purse. They have a little bit of everything. I really wanted to buy some of the yummy looking fruit, but didn't want to tote it around the city for the rest of the day.

After a long, fun filled day, Jd snapped a pic of me and Koko on the steps of the entrance to the Cathedral. I love the vintage look of those wrought iron gates!

Khloe, of course, wanted to get down and walk around. Little monkey!

Spending the day with my hubs and baby girl was the absolute best birthday present. Family days are few and far between with John David's crazy busy schedule. We always have the best time when we are able to spend quality family time! I love that husband and baby girl!!

All of the cards, texts, and FB comments wishing me a Happy Bday made me feel very special and very loved on my August 13th National Holiday {wink!}. Thank you to everyone who made me feel like the center of attention! You know I soaked it up! ; )-

And did I mention I got a new camera? Because I did. And I ADORE it. Still learning all the functions and how to work it. Thank you to my amazing familia for making the number one item on my "wish list" come true!! ;) I require no Christmas gift this year. My camera was enough of a gift for the next 5 Bdays and Christmases!! ; )

Happy 2-5 Bday to me! Now, back to the world revolving around Miss Khloe. Her bday is coming up and I can't WAIT!! :)