Monday, January 31, 2011

Happy 4 months Khloe!

A day in Khloe’s Life

Sleep, Eat, Play, Repeat

8:00-9:00 am Wakes up only to eat, usually goes right back to sleep

10:00-11:00 am Wakes up, eat, watches a little bit of Sesame Street or Dr. Seuss (which ever is on) then plays with mommy & toys

12:00-1:00 pm (or about an hour and half to two hours after waking up) – Nap
Usually naps for about 2 to 2 ½ hours

2:00-3:00 pm Wakes, eats, watches baby Einstein or Arthur, plays with toys or in Baby Einstein jumper

4:00-5:00 pm Goes down for late afternoon nap, usually for about an hour.

5:00-6:00 pm Wakes, eats, plays until fussy then sits in Bumbo and watches helps Mommy cook dinner

7:30-9:30 pm Plays with Mommy and Daddy especially, takes a bath (every other or every 2 days), eats and goes to bed.

4:00-6:00 am Wakes for early morning feeding.

Thought I'd thrown in a few nakey pictures for your enjoyment. ; ) 

Can you believe she is already FOUR months old?? Seems just like yesterday....

She is growing like a weed and learning new things almost everyday.

She sleeps soundly through the night now. I only get up once for the early morning feeding and rarely ever hear a peep from her other than that.

She’s really beginning to take an interest in toys now. She loves anything with bright colors and dangling toys she can hit with her hands. One of my friends gave us a little giraffe that sings lullabies and it has quickly became one of her favorite toys for when we are out-and-about. : )

She is still rolling over (from stomach to back). She loves to do it just as she is trying to go to sleep in her crib then looks up at me like I should scream and congratulate her like I did the first time.

She has finally outgrown her 0-3 month onesies. She is wearing the 3-6 months now and is still in size 1 diapers. I think she weighs about 13 pounds. We will find out for sure at her next Doctor's appointment (on the 14th).

She refuses to take a passy. She hasn’t had one since she was about 2 months old. A few days ago she had a stomach ache and was super cranky so I thought I’d try it out on her again. NOT happening. She gets FURIOUS when you put it in her mouth. The past few days she has rediscovered her thumb and now sucks on it constantly like she did during her first month. If her hand is not in her mouth, she has it clasped together with the other. She LOVES those hands.

Talking/laughing/cooing/giggling so much and we LOVE it. I feel like every laugh needs to be videoed because it’s just so adorable. We are absolutely SMITTEN by this little girl! Happy 4 months sweet baby.

Don't you just wanna BITE her? she is SO adorbs!

God this picture kills me. Look how LONG she is. I mean... *tear*

trying her very best to sit up. she refuses to be anything other than a "big girl"

see my feet?

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