Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Happy 7 Months Khloe!

(or seven and a HALF...)

I thought things would slow down just a tad when May rolled around, but of course, it didn't. I know, I know.. I'm two and a half weeks late on this post, but better late than never, right? :)  

Within a two week period, Khloe mastered sitting up, crawling, AND pulling up on anything and everything she can find. She took her very first step last Monday while at my Grandma's. It was so unexpected that there was no time to get it on video. She can stand on her own for about a minute, but her balance is getting better every day.

At her 6 month checkup (at the end of April), she weighed 15.8 lbs. She is in size 3 diapers and still wearing most 3-6 month clothes.

We started her on solids about a month ago and she loves it! So far, her menu consists of: avacodo, asparagus, apples, bannas, butternut squash, carrots, green peas, sweet potatoes, pears, oatmeal, wheat, and mixed grains. Next up: mangoes. I really want Khloe to take after her Daddy when it comes to eating. I’m way too picky when it comes to food and I really hate that about myself.

 Still trying to figure out the sippy cup. The nubby cups with the silicone nipple seems to be the best so far. : )

Another thing she gets from Daddy is her love for sleep. I thought for sure by now that she would not take as many naps, but most days she is still taking 4 naps.  She still puts herself to sleep. Her immediate position upon laying in her bed is thumb to the mouth and eyes closed. It’s too sweet. Bedtime is around 7-7:30 and she sleeps, without waking, until 8-9 am. (Amazing, right!?!)

I think she feels like she is too “grown up” for the exaucer these days. Last month, it was her favorite activity. This month, she throws a royal fit when put inside. She would much rather play with her toys and freely roam the living room. She is very curious and way too confident in her ability to stand. Apparently, she thinks she can just walk around once she gets her self standing. She lets go of whatever she’s holding onto and quickly comes crashing down. Brave little monkey gets right up and does it all over again. At this rate, it’s only going to be another couple weeks before she really starts taking steps.

And so the toys begin. Just a few toys wasn't enough, she had to dump the whole basket out to be satisfied.

Her crib has officially moved to the lowest setting. It’s only a matter of days before she figures out how to stand on the bumper and I have to remove it. Makes me so sad! I LOVE that bumper and Stacy Gwin worked SO hard on it for me. We have to find another use for it!! Suggestions? : )

She has two teeth on the bottom that are SO close to breaking through. You’ve probably noticed in most pictures a wet shirt. She is still a drooler and she still puts everything (including her toes) in her mouth!

I absolutely adore her laugh and giggle. She hasn’t started saying any words yet, but we practice DA-DA, MA-MA, and BEL-LA everyday.

I can’t believe she’s already seven months! Time puh-lease slow down!!

 Now that you have seen the perfect "7 month picture," let's recap on what it took to get to this point. 

"Hmm... that looks like something mommy wouldn't want me to touch..."

"Khloe.... No, no"

"Now, what Mom?"

"Ok, for real, Khloe!" 
"Hey, I'm bored..."

Little monkey!!

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