Thursday, May 19, 2011

Mother's Day 2011

My first Mother's Day was last year. Two months Preggo. I threw up one minute before I took this pic! After five months of trying and failing, I was SO excited to finally have a bay-beeee in my belly!!! :)

My Mother's Day 2011: a seven month old Khloe, fast asleep in her proud, protective, and completely fulfilled momma's arms.

The hubby surprised me with a six foot palm tree and the absolute SWEETEST cards from he and Khloe. I cried like a baby! I adore that husband and baby of mine. Beyond a shadow of a doubt, I was put on this earth to be a wife and Momma to my lovies! {kisses}

Although I would like there to be another date in the year (other than my birthday) that is all about me, Mother's Day is to be shared. Ha! I came up with some cute little crafty projects but couldn't blog about it until Mother's Day was over. {The moms in my life stalk love my blog and facebook, ha!}

I don't know about you, but my Mom and MIL have just about everything. So, instead of just sending the totally expected "I love you / Happy Mother's Day" card, I thought it would be fun to make something special for them. What better way than use baby girl's hands and feet?!

I probably spent two hours googling "mother's day crafts." I found a lot of "big girl" crafts, but not many for babies. I finally gave up and just headed to the Dollar Tree {love} for inspiration.

Here's what I came home with:

I used the back of a Diet Sunkist box to trace one hand and one foot. I couldn't keep Miss Wiggles still enough to individually draw them for each project.

 I flipped and re-traced for the opposite hand/foot.

So much easier when you have a template!

The styrofoam squares were 4 for a dollar and fit perfectly in the cute tin cans.

The store I was at didn't have any popsicle sticks, so I rummaged around the store until I found something that would work. Straws. It made it even easier to cut to different lengths.

Next up, hot glue. {How do people go through life without a hot glue gun?!?! I've been thinking that it's time for me to invest in an upgrade on mine!}

I cut the "stems" and glued to the straws.

The hot mess/crazy baby going on in the living room during this project

Blank ink, cute fonts, and printer paper.

I used scrapbook scissors to dress the label up. (Which, I'm not REAL sure who or where they come from, but I have like 10)

 And here's the finished project:

I thought they turned out real REAL cute.

Mother's Day cards: $3.99

Grandma's "bouquet" from 7mo Khloe: Priceless (or $4.00 a piece if you ask Dollar Tree).

And did I mention I made three corsages for three very special women?!!?

When I tried to order a couple, the florist told me they started at $29.99 a piece. I decided that it just couldn't be THAT hard. I ended up making THREE for $12.00. Apparently, this is the new business venture I need to begin. That's just crazy! :)

Hope you all had a wonderful Momma's Day!! I can't wait to see how much Khloe how grown by this time next year!



  1. The gift was adorable! Thanks for sharing the blog, too.

  2. These are so awesome. You have such talent.

  3. I'm a little bit jealous that I didn't make one for myself!! I may have to do that soon :)

    Thanks Elaine. I try really hard. ;)

  4. BTW this was my first comment ever on one of your blogs hahahah!

  5. u R awesome girl!!!! Love u lots and so very proud of you and the great things you have done in your life! May God continue to bless you and yours.....:) Cousin Teresa Tansil

  6. You are so sweet het I really liked your idea! You did good!!! :))
