Monday, August 8, 2011

My Life List

A few days ago, I was surfing online and came across someones bucket list. It quickly inspired me to make my own list of goals, dreams and life experiences that I want to do in my lifetime. I don't know about you, but sometimes life can get SO boring. Why not have dreams? Make a plan? Decide that life doesn't ALWAYS have to be so monotonous! {Besides, you know I'm a "make a list" junkie!!!}

I decided to start with 100, in no specific order and some have been crossed through as accomplishments. In my world the best lists show proof that you've been productive {which is like a drug to me}. Surprisingly,  I learned a little bit about myself during this challenge! You should try it!

So, this is a peep into what I hope my life to entail: 
  1. Grow a vegetable garden
  2. Open my own furniture consignment store
  3. Take sewing classes
  4. Snow Ski
  5. Sell my handmade gifts
  6. Become a mommy
  7. Swim with dolphins
  8. Learn to sew
  9. Parasail
  10. Go on a foreign missions trip to bless children
  11. Design my own craft room
  12. Reupholster furniture
  13. Take photography classes
  14. Renew with my vows with my hubby in Hawaii on our 10 year anniversary
  15. Coordinate a wedding
  16. Make a baby boy
  17. Zipline across the jungles of Costa Rica
  18. Go sailing
  19. Make a Thanksgiving turkey {by myself}
  20. Go to a Mommy & Me yoga class with Khloe
  21. Adopt a baby from a foreign country
  22. Ride an elephant in India
  23. Learn to speak another language
  24. Build {from scratch} a piece of furniture 
  25. Have my own yard sale
  26. Be the "class mom" that does fun arts & crafts in my kids classrooms
  27. Experience Disney World with our kids
  28. Have a breast reduction
  29. Learn to whistle
  30. Learn to tango
  31. Take a Safari in South Africa
  32. Wear a large hat at the Kentucky Derby
  33. Buy my Grandparents a new house
  34. Own a beach home
  35. Begin/Finish Khloe’s baby book
  36. Host an annual event
  37. Watch the sun set and rise on an exotic beach
  38. Go skinny dipping
  39. Experience a Broadway show in the theaters of NYC
  40. Go to a Rascal Flatts concert
  41. Have Christmas in another country
  42. Give to charity
  43. Get to know my neighbors
  44. Go whale watching
  45. Take a painting class
  46. Workout at least twice a week
  47. Go to a ballet
  48. Create a memory list each year
  49. Take a Cruise vacation
  50. Find the positive in everything that has disappointed me
  51. Throw someone a surprise party
  52. Visit all 50 states
  53. Ride in a limo
  54. Register to be a donor
  55. Hire someone to pay my monthly bills
  56. Experience a normal pregnancy
  57. Leave a huge tip to a deserving waitress
  58. See the Pyramids at sunset
  59. Have a blog
  60. Pick a goal each month and achieve it
  61. Learn to clean the pool to help out my hubby
  62. Surprise someone with a new car
  63. Hire a babysitter once a week and start back weekly date nights with the hubs
  64. Install a TV above a big Jacuzzi tub in my bathroom
  65. Stay in my pjs for a whole day
  66. Take a cooking class
  67. Learn to make cakes like my mother-in-love
  68. Make a difference
  69. Have family pictures taken on the beach
  70. Go to Pier One and Hobby Lobby with an unlimited budget!
  71. Buy a monogramming sewing machine (and monogram everything in my house!!!!)
  72. Have Bella professionally groomed once a month
  73. Replace all the furniture in my house with exactly what I want
  74. Be a financial blessing to our family
  75. Ride a camel in the desert
  76. Take Khloe on a daily walk
  77. Buy a really expensive straightener
  78. Have two Christmas trees. 1) Traditional with the kiddos yearly ornaments 2) White / Super Chic Girly!
  79. Have a picnic in Central Park (New York)
  80. Make a memory quilt from tshirts
  81. Get Lasik eye surgery
  82. Go tubin’ down a river
  83. Restore an old house
  84. Marry for love
  85. While in the drive thru, pay for the person's meal who is behind me.
  86. Ride in a taxi
  87. Throw a monthly dinner party
  88. Feature a friend refinishing furniture on my blog
  89. Set up all of Santa Claus’ toys for our kiddos on Christmas Eve!
  90. Have a big family!
  91. Host a themed party 
  92. Laugh until you pee yourself
  93. Make it through John David's four years of medical school
  94. Make it through John David's five years of residency
  95. Cheer for my kids from the stands as they play a team sport
  96. Experience complete fulfillment
  97. Watch Khloe walk down the aisle to someone she loves as much as I love her Daddy
  98. Transfer to Gmail 100%
  99. Overcome a fear
  100. Be a healthy eater
"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."  -Mark Twain

 Cozumel snorkeling 6 weeks pregnant / The baby moon :) 

I would love to hear a few things on your list!


    1. My husband says he thinks this is a do-able list with the exception of learning to whistle and being a healthy eater. HA!

      (and, he's really been trying to talk me out of the whole "riding an elephant". WHIMP!

    2. I'll be your bill payer! And you can feature me building beds for the girls when we move... assuming I can convince Gordon we should. He was totally on board until he decided we could just keep the bed Addison is using now. I want to keep it but use it for baby #3 so the girls can have matching beds in their new room. We'll see... it will eventually happen :)

    3. I love this! My husband and I have made a joint "bucket list" and have started checking things off but I never thought to put it on my blog! So much fun!

    4. Melissa, send me the link to your blog so I can stalk you! :) Glad I could inspire you! Can't wait to read yours!

    5. Jessica, you will live way too far away to pay my bills. Not to mention all the lectures I would have to listen to from you about how I shouldn't have bought this and that. LOL. NO THANKS!!! hahaha
