Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Potty Training

Last Wednesday, John David and I were hanging out in the living room when Khloe came running in from her bedroom with a diaper. She handed it to me and laid down in front of me. A little shocked, I pulled her diaper off and as I slid the new one under she peed all over me. John David thought it was the funniest thing and said “Well! She tried to tell you she needed to go!”

About a week before, I unpacked her new little potty chair (that Auntie Tooty bought for her bday) and put it in the guest bathroom next to the toilet. I don’t know about your kiddos, but this child follows me EVERY where I go. I decided to sit her on it every time I went to the bathroom. It didn’t take but one time of sitting her there that she would follow me and sit on it by herself.

After the peeing on my hand incident, we decided she must be trying to tell us she’s ready for potty training! Later that night, Jd left for a work meeting and I stuck Khloe in the bath. As I pulled her out of the tub, on a whim, I picked up her naked little body and sat her on the toilet (the big one). Much to my surprise, she immediately started straining and within seconds she had her first poo-poo in the big girl potty. I tried so hard not to laugh, but my giggles made it that much more fun for her. All smiles, she strained until she raised her arms in the air and said "Awww donne" :) Yep, I videoed the entire thing on my phone, and yes, I called all of my family in utter excitement….. and I may have even updated my facebook status  about my kid pooping. LOL!

The next morning we got up really early and headed to Memphis. An hour away from home, I stopped at my Mother-in-laws to pick up a few things. I didn’t think much would come from it, but since she did so good the night before, I decided to make it a habit of sticking her on the toilet. In a total new environment and house, she immediately went #2  as soon as I put her on it! Again, I was in total disbelief.

Later that day at my Grandmas, the story continued. She didn’t have an “accident” all day. The best part was when she came and grabbed my hand and walked me to the bathroom and reached for me to put her on the toilet to again use the bathroom. The entire family was there to witness it and everyone was going crazy!

After a few days of being out of town, we are back at home, and I am happy to report she is still going! Much to my surprise, she really won’t go in the little potty chair, which can be good and bad. Good because it’s much easier to clean by a simple flush. Bad because it’s not something she can do by herself.

She is still having a few accidents, and it’s mostly because I forget to make her go often enough. I’ve come to realize that potty training is not just for the baby, but also training for the momma!  I’m not at all expecting perfection and no accidents from my 15 month old, but I think this is a HUGE start and advantage to the process!

*You know you’re a Mom when you write a blog about exciting new bathroom activities!*

Thanks for reading!



  1. Love this! She is such a big girl! She will be studying pre-med at 9 years old! hahahah

  2. How exciting!!! Those days are ahead of me, so I will be taking notes. :) Unfortunately, I hear boys are 10x harder to potty train. :)

    1. I've heard mixed reviews. I think, as with everything else that goes along with parenting, is having a schedule and sticking to it! You need to read Baby Wise before you have the baby and perfect sleeping schedules! Khloe has went to sleep on her own since she was three months old. It is amazing!

  3. Its such an exciting time!!! How funny!

    1. :) About time for you to get started Mrs. Edwards!?! :)

  4. I use my oven timer to help me remember to take Kaitlyn... when I remember to set it that is ;)
